

Testimonial 1
My job profile is the typical high-pressure, high-conflict, frequently energy sapping function. The stress it creates and the build-up over time is quite significant – that is the first realisation to hit me soon after I started meditating. It immediately helped me connect with myself and realize that life is short i need to take the time to slow down and breathe. And it reminded me that taking stock of life as it is now is the best way to take some positive action on my dreams. Although I have heard a lot about meditation, *I joined your group in a leap of faith upon my friend’s request*. And doing this as part of your group has brought me clarity, calm and self-knowledge. It was difficult in the first week, but I now have a very clear indication that there is a deep need for this practice. The greatest revelation, beyond the calm, feeling of peace etc, has been the learnings on our “internal mountain” and how to “sense the senses”. Mind blowing concepts that I interpret in two way that I believe are critical for me: *”mountain” is what I really am, and “sensing the senses” allows me to remain so!*

Vandana, I believe the main reason I have done meditation for 20 continuous days without even feeling the need for a break is you. The podcast, your working style, your guidance, your nudges and gentle banter on our slips – everything contributes significantly to me doing this and enjoying it in my own way. The best part of your training, in my view, is the space you are willing to give me as a participant – allowing me the flexibility while retaining an overall structure so the group can move in a particular direction. Your work around making the group own the responsibility for keeping the act of meditation chugging is wonderful and I love it.
– Jairam P


Testimonial 2
I signed up due to Vandana. Saw her appeal on Facebook, and it resonated with me instantly. Vandana’s tool kit (audio/ video material) is professional, and her positive encouragement and genuineness is what kept me rooted to the 21 days meditation practice.
Vandana encouraged all of us and set the rhythm. 4 people in 3 countries kept up the journey, thanks to her.

At the time, I was suffering from peak-workload and stress. In my entire work year, these 21 days were going to be the worst. On most days I ended up doing the meditation at midnight
post 14 hour workdays. Still, it eased the pain and the daily frustration. I have this schedule every year. Now, I wonder how much damage must have been stored in the body with no avenue for release. It is nearly impossible for me sign up for anything and keep up during this period. But no way I will let any team down. That is the power of working in a team. 

If you have always wanted to make a change, but wondered how to keep up, here is your chance. Take each day as it comes with the guided meditation with Vandana for 21 days. Then figure out what to do next. 

I have signed up for further 21 days. 🙌
– Mugdha K


Testimonial 3

Working with Vandana is like working with a trusted coach- one where you let go of the muscles when she asks you to stretch.. because she knows how far the muscles will go. 

She is very well read and with her experiences I found a well rounded view on all questions I had during my 21 day meditation.. the questions ranging from basic anatomical to highly philosophical. 

What I liked most is her approach to empowering self.. its not based on your ‘faith’ quotient or left to imagination.. there are researched tools that can help you empower yourself through easy exercises – but above all is the gift of connecting with your self.

Vandana is also very methodical.. she narrates with ease the approach to an activity, gives great guidance on individual needs, puts in the hard work to know you before you begin and is really able to take you along on a journey of a life time ! She understands people’s rhythms – what might interest you, when might you need encouragement, when understanding.. but above all she is a storm of positive energy who would always leave you feeling warm and inspired! Very rarely do you come across inspiring people who want to make a difference in your lives- and when that opportunity comes knocking at your door, signing up is a great favor you will do yourself!

Had always wished for time to make itself in the day so I could do activities that I always wanted to do but never had the time for.I could not have been more right  ! Time does make itself in my day now for a 20 minute meditation! 

Within the first few days of meditating itself I found myself visibly calmer and more in control of things. I was apprehensive of being able to do this regularly (knowing I’m not a fan of routine) but soon I found myself looking forward to those 20 minutes in the day.. it  gave me an anchor to stop at a point in time and calibrate.. take note.. observe.. choose a focus.. reflect.. and recharge.. 

My favorite aspect of having mediation in my life has been the way it unravels your own self.. unpacking the multiple layers of our actions and reactions.. and generating a pause before we react.. this is the pause that  we talk about when we say ‘think before you speak’ or the pause that will help empathize rather than be insensitive..

The exercises that came along with meditation are great tools that I use for driving focus into everyday and striving to becoming a better version of myself.. 

I’m amazed at how much mediation has impacted me in a short span of 18 days – I can only imagine the promise this space holds for everyone – the simplest way is to try it once !
– Shilpa Bhale


Testimonial 4

I’ve been practicing yoga for two years now and have been looking for a way to deepen my practice. Vandana’s personal challenge caught my eye and I thought I’d give it a try…I wasn’t sure I was ready for meditation and was pleasantly surprised by how much I needed it! I loved having an accountability group, and Vandana as a gentle guide! Her podcasts were beautifully made, the banter on the group was easy and encouraging given none of us really knew each other. It helped having us all in different time zones as we were all experiencing meditation at different parts of our day and in different ways. Meditation can mean different things to different people… and it took two weeks in to find my aha moment.. I look forward to my twenty minutes now. And am so thankful to V for letting me into this space with her! 

-Meeti Shah