Other Opportunities

Other Opportunities

Yoga and Meditation Workshops

I work with individuals and/or organizations in the Health and Wellness Business who are looking to introduce Yoga and/or Meditation in their area/neighborhood/communities.  These include but are not limited to

– Working with Children, Kids on Mindfulness, Meditation

– Working with Seniors/Adults on Stress, Anxiety, Emotions through Mindfulness, Meditation and Yoga

– Working with Health and Wellness organizations or event managers to introduce Yoga and/or Meditation

Lets talk if you have ideas on working together! 



I have extensive experience with KPMG and Deloitte across three continents and I have been closely involved in large-scale program management and change management initiatives in the Corporate world.

I understand and am cognizant of the “extent of stress” that is applied to systems, work environments, employee mindsets when large-scale changes are introduced.

Often organizations deal with change “head on” especially as they deal with employees in terms of taking them along the path of the change. This often takes organizations a few steps back instead of forward; eventually leading to higher costs, greater resistance, longer timelines and lesser success with change.

Part of my shift from Corporate to Wellness is due to the deep realization of how the ancient wisdom traditions dealt in a scientific methodical manner with stress, change, and emotions. I firmly believe that these could be applied to the Corporate workplace and taught consciously to employees. It would allow leadership within organizations to get further with their goals.

I am currently working with Corporates on how one could apply these “simple wisdom tradition principles” of meditation, mindfulness and yoga to reduce stress and increase the level of openness to change in organizations and in turn drive greater success.

Your advantage of working with me is that I have a good business understanding – Conversations on financial and business goals to be achieved will be understood and therefore we will hit the road running.

Lets talk if you have ideas on working together! 


Small and Medium Businesses/Start up Consulting/New Yoga Business Consulting

Vandana consults with Small and Medium Businesses/Start ups/New Yoga Business Owners to help create detailed business plans. My skills can be leveraged when one is looking to apply for a business loan with banks.

My services include

Creating Vision, Strategic Intent

Creating Business Plan

Creating a Financial Plan

Creating a Market Entry Strategy and Growth Plans

Lets talk if you have ideas on working together!