

Teaching Meditation

There is enough said about the benefits of remaining physically active, however, my firm belief  is that if the mind is conquered and deeply understood, it brings growth and development in all other areas of your life.

Meditation is an essential practice for all people, and I am committed to sharing the benefits of this art/science. Having invested considerable time over the last 6 years in this area, my teaching methods are now a healthy blend of ancient wisdom traditions and neuroscience.

Meditation has been elusive to most people and I have found people shying away from it just because….they don’t know any better. Join me to learn this life changing practice.

I currently offer
Level 1 Meditation – Most suited for people who have little or no experience of meditation or who have a practice but are looking for consistency and simpler methods to bring meditation into their daily lives.
A) Group Meditation Classes
B) Private One on One Meditation Classes
C) A 21 day Meditation  Immersion – where I will provide you step by step guidance and work closely with you to incorporate meditation into your daily life till it becomes a habit (as easy as brushing your teeth and accessible to you at all times). This includes how-to videos, audio guided podcasts and daily motivation and guidance to help you through your journey.
Send me a mail at vandana@amaydiyoga.com for further details.

Level 2 Meditation  – Most suited for people who have experience of consistently doing meditation for atleast a quarter (greater than 90 days consistently)
A) Small Group Practice – where I will provide you a deeper immersion into meditative practices as practised and handed down, based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Send me a mail at vandana@amaydiyoga.com for further details.