230 days out of 365 completed – The Meditation Challenge

230 days out of 365 completed – The Meditation Challenge

Beyond Diwali lights, gorgeous dresses, sumptuous food and desserts….
We, at Amaydi Yoga, toiled away, teaching in the wee hours of the morning, introducing goddess-like poses and chants (in keeping with the season) and meditating…………sometimes over the regrettable calories added :-).
How was your festive season? 
Happy Diwali All!
Here is the latest snapshot of our pursuit…
Check out how it all got started http://amaydiyoga.com/365-day-meditation-challenge/
And more on Why Meditate? http://amaydiyoga.com/why-meditation/
#365daysofmeditation #yogilife #yogalife #yogainspiration #atlantayoga #justshowup